Hainan environmental detection technology co., ltd, an integrated and professional institution of environmental detection, has been officially certified by CMA (China Inspection Body and Laboratory Mandatory Approval). As company started, the outstanding laboratory is our aim that can make sure the development of environmental detection, service, and inquiry. The primary detection are including: assessment of environmental and ecosystem’s survey, examining and receiving of environmental detection, assessment of environmental pollution, application of pollution discharge, air detection (polluted air and indoor air), water detection (drinking water, underground water, polluted water, and seawater), soil detection (solid waste, and mud etc), echo detection, and recycling of gas vapour.
The total crew members is about 70, nearly 40 are with the title of senior, secondary, and junior technical engineers. The standard laboratory of 1400m2 is with domestic and foreign equipments of environmental detection, like GC-MS, ICP-MS, gas chromatography, and ion chromatography.
For now, we have solved different kind of pollution problems for many companies, and has earned the trust and compliment for many years.